Oranges Rock!


Why do Oranges rock?

They are a sweet and juicy fruit that contain the almighty Vitamin C.  Oranges are important for different reasons like preventing scurvy, improving respiratory health and improving your general immune system.

When you include oranges in your diet you get Potassium and Calcium as well as fiber and antioxidants. See other benefits.

Oranges are generally used to make orange juice. Traditionally seen as a breakfast item, orange juice is versatile and can be drank at any time of the day. I drink orange juice for breakfast, lunch, mid afternoon and with an evening meal.



Lentil Hummus


By now you know that I love HUMMUS. I try and make my own and keep in the fridge for snacking on. I usually make the chick pea/ garbanzo version. But last week, I was tempted into making a lentil version that I found in the March 2012, Martha Stewart Living magazine. The recipe called for cashew butter, but I still had some Tahini from my last batch of hummus. Some Advice. Don’t be afraid to substitute. The hummus came out great.



Magic Cookie Bar – Treat

Magic Cookie Bars

I was contemplating on what to make for a birthday treat for my hubby when I found this recipe from a pamphlet I had in my recipe goodie bag. I decided to make Magic Cookie Bars from the Eagle Brand group of recipes. This is a very good idea for someone with a sweet tooth. I liked it and chose to change the order a little bit with the same results.
