Have a Mango-licious day!

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As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have been craving everything tropical for some reason.

So, today I will share my obsession for mangoes and mango juice.


Do you like Farm Fresh Eggs?

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Breakfast would not be true breakfast without a good egg and in particular a farm fresh egg.

I recently visited a local farm in Arcadia, Oklahoma and bought these beautiful tray of brown eggs. They were the real deal. Real farm fresh eggs, just like those at my grannies. Eggs from chicken that are free to roam and feed on whatever they get. I love the beautiful brown color of the egg shells. Unspoiled and close to the color of the earth.


Delicious Ethiopian and Kenyan cuisine now available at….

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Want some great Ethiopian and Kenyan food?

Head on down to Haiget’s new location.  Haiget’s catering is now Haiget’s Restaurant. Haiget recently opened her restaurant and is bringing local East African fare to Edmond, Oklahoma City and the Metro area of Oklahoma.
