Have a Mango-licious day!

Scrumplicious Food! Blog_MG_2321

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have been craving everything tropical for some reason.

So, today I will share my obsession for mangoes and mango juice.


Oranges Rock!


Why do Oranges rock?

They are a sweet and juicy fruit that contain the almighty Vitamin C.  Oranges are important for different reasons like preventing scurvy, improving respiratory health and improving your general immune system.

When you include oranges in your diet you get Potassium and Calcium as well as fiber and antioxidants. See other benefits.

Oranges are generally used to make orange juice. Traditionally seen as a breakfast item, orange juice is versatile and can be drank at any time of the day. I drink orange juice for breakfast, lunch, mid afternoon and with an evening meal.

